I wanted to use Gltf Extensions mentions in Documentation.
I wanted to load my model with meshPhysicalMaterial properties but I don’t want to keep replacing for every mesh when it loads. So the Other way is to extend MeshStandardMaterial.
These are the property/extension I want to use … But I don’t know how to add extension .
If the model doesn’t use any of these extensions yet but you want to ensure it loads with MeshPhysicalMaterial anyway, a quick way to add one would be to open the model on https://gltf.report/ and run this script:
import { MaterialsSpecular } from '@gltf-transform/extensions';
const specularExtension = document.createExtension(MaterialsSpecular);
const specular = specularExtension.createSpecular();
for (const material of document.getRoot().listMaterials()) {
material.setExtension('KHR_materials_specular', specular);
It won’t affect the appearance but does require MeshPhysicalMaterial. Note that MeshPhysicalMaterial is a more expensive material to render. You could do something similar by setting transmission or clearcoat in Blender.
@donmccurdy that gltf report is a Great Project. Absolutely loved it.
and sorry, I don’t know how to make gltfLoader parse data or use those extensions, so it returns MeshPhysicalMaterial while loading model every time. Is there documentation or example I can refer to.
GLTFLoader does not have an option to force it to return MeshPhysicalMaterial, if that’s what you’re asking? The glTF file must be configured so that it requires MeshPhysicalMaterial, otherwise it will return MeshStandardMaterial. The gltf.report script above is one way of doing that.
Replacing the material after the model loads is also fine. I think something like this would copy all the original properties:
const nextMaterial = new MeshPhysicalMaterial();
MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.copy.call(mesh.material, nextMaterial);
mesh.material = nextMaterial;
Yes, I was referring to loading MeshPhysicalMaterial by default.
At first, I thought to Extend MeshStandardMaterial and all those properties for each Mesh but later in GLTFLoader I found these extensions so wanted to know what they were and how can I use it.
But Certainly the one you mention for replacing is Easier and Better than doing it myself.
A small doubt : if we export a model from blender with those properties(like Clearcoat) in Principled BSDF shader, will it return MeshPhysicalMaterial in Threejs ?
Blender only supports exporting some of those properties — clearcoat and transmission — today. But yes, if you set clearcoat>0 or transmission>0 in Blender Principled BSDF it should will load as MeshPhysicalMaterial in three.js, because that’s required to represent those materials.
I’m not sure what you’re asking exactly, but three.js r151 supports all of those extensions except KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness. You don’t need to do anything different to use them. KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness has been removed, but it’s possible to convert models offline to not use that extension while still looking the same, if that’s something you need.
I have tried to access as following
import { GLTFLoader } from “three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader”;
const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoader();
gltfLoader.setExtensions([list of extension…]);
I’m not sure what you’re trying to do. The extensions you’ve listed are already supported and you don’t need to do anything to use them, you just need a glTF model that requires them.
It might be best to start a new thread with full context on what you’re aiming to do, and what errors you are seeing along the way.