I’m trying to smoothly transition between walk/run animations but for some reason it keeps glitching quickly into t-pose between the animations. I am using fade() but still no luck. What can I do to make this transition smoothly without the glitch? Thanks!
Did you take a look at the examples? I think I saw the same issue in this example. If you’re on “walk” and click “walk” again, it’ll jump back to the T-pose for a bit. https://threejs.org/examples/?q=animation#webgl_animation_skinning_additive_blending
This one has smooth transitions, but it seems like it waits until the current animation loop ends before starting the blending.
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Here’s another example: https://threejs.org/examples/?q=skin#webgl_animation_skinning_morph. The relevant code is:
function fadeToAction( name, duration ) {
previousAction = activeAction;
activeAction = actions[ name ];
if ( previousAction !== activeAction ) {
previousAction.fadeOut( duration );
.setEffectiveTimeScale( 1 )
.setEffectiveWeight( 1 )
.fadeIn( duration )
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if (this.motion_name == _name){ return; }
this.motion_name = _name;
this.motion_time = Date.now();
//get motion object
var motion = this.get_motion_obj_from_name(this.motion_name);
//get translate amount
this.motion_translate = motion.translate;
//get clip
var clip = motion.anim;
//get action (animation)
var action = this.mixer.clipAction( clip );
//action.time = 0.1; //hmm doesn't do anything
this.current_action = action;
console.log("Motion set to, "+this.motion_name);
Yay, got it. I added fadeOut() and reset() and that fixed it.
I am facing an issue that first the animation goes to a null animation and then it changes to the next animation. How can I fix that?