I have stuck with rotating objects in THREE.js. My situation looks like that. I click on the surface and I detect what triangle is it. Next, I get the normal vector of my selected triangles and the normal vector for my floor and I want to rotate the object so that the selected triangle lies on the floor. But always when I calculate Quaternion from my floor normal vector and triangle normal vector and I try to apply to my object, that rotation is completely wrong
let triangleNormal: Vector3 = new Vector3();
console.log('Triangle normal', triangleNormal);
const normals = floor.geometry.getAttribute('normal');
const floorNormal = new Vector3();
floorNormal.fromBufferAttribute(normals, i);
const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
quaternion.setFromUnitVectors(floorNormal, triangleNormal);
Does someone have an idea what I’m doing wrong?