Hy everyone, i’m am happy to find the community active and give quick response unlike stack websites
My question is:
How can i play a model animation of a collada model if the array of the animation clip is not really known: Is it possible to have something like the starting frame and the ending frame of the animation?
How do you load your collada files? With ColladaLoader
or ColladaLoader2
? Besides, i’m not sure i’ve understood your problem^^. When you load an animated model with ColladaLoader2
, the corresponding animation clips should always be located in the result object of the loader e.g.
loader.load( './model.dae', function ( collada ) {
var animations = collada.animations;
var avatar = collada.scene;
mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( avatar ); // create global mixer
mixer.clipAction( animations[ 0 ] ).play(); // play first animation clip
scene.add( avatar );
} );
i mean what if a single animation clip consists of several different animations, how can i sort the animations to a new clip?
I think it’s not a good practice to manipulate animation clips in this way. Make sure, your 3D authoring software exports animations in a correct way. Each animation (like “idle”, “walk” or “run”) should be a separate clip.
@Mugen87 unfortunately that’s not always possible - for example fbx format only supports a single animation and the recommended way of exporting multiple animations there is a single timeline, frames 0 to 29 walk, 30 to 59 jump etc.
Additionally many, or perhaps even most commercially available models have animations stored this way - so the question is a bit off topic here, but it is a valid question.
I see. I’m just surprised that this questions comes up only now. Shouldn’t more people have the same problem?
Yes - although I’m going to have to tackle it in the next couple of days as it turns out
Wish you luck:+1: @looeee
I agree @Mugen87