I want to have a material’s color transition between teal and pink. I am not sure how to get the lerp’s alpha to alternate from one side to the other.
Here is what I have so far:
useFrame(() => {
materialRef.current.color.lerpColors(new THREE.Color(0x086375), new THREE.Color(0xA80874), 0.1)
Thank you!
If I good understood your point, then you can interpolating these two colours, by updating by useFrame
according to, mentioned, lerpAlpha
. If lerpAlpha
is 0, the color is full teal. If it’s 1, the color is full pink.
if (increasing) {
setLerpAlpha((prev) => Math.min(prev + 0.01, 1));
if (lerpAlpha >= 1) setIncreasing(false);
} else {
setLerpAlpha((prev) => Math.max(prev - 0.01, 0));
if (lerpAlpha <= 0) setIncreasing(true);
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