I want to know has any way to stop useFrame animation in react-three-fiber such as cancelAnimationFrame ?
as ive written in the other post: <Canvas frameloop="demand"
export function lerp(
object: { [key: string]: any },
prop: string,
goal: number,
speed = 0.1,
eps = 0.001,
) {
object[prop] = THREE.MathUtils.lerp(object[prop], goal, speed);
// If the value is not finished processing invalidate the frame-loop
if (Math.abs(object[prop] - goal) > eps) {
useFrame(() => {
lerp(ref.position, "x", someFlag ? 0 : 1, 0.1)
there are many other ways. essentially you can also have your own frameloop and do whatever you want:
<Canvas frameloop="never">
const advance = useThree(state => state.advance)
useEffect(() => {
function loop(t) {
// Process one frame, this calls all useFrames and effects as well
, [])
though again, before you go there ask yourself why. it often makes sense to have a running loop, 99.9% of all threejs apps and games have that for a reason. browsers are very clever in managing raf. i would only start to mess with this if there was a real problem and otherwise let the loop run.
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