Dear freinds, I want to make a 3d shape. In the right triangle, instead of having the hypotenuse flat plane i want to have a concave arc. So how can i make this kind of arc.
I have the code by using the extrude geometry but in this shape, I can’t able to have the multiple material. So i want to make it by using the buffer geometry. Pleas help me.
This is the image what i made by extrudegeometry and also what i want to create by using the buffer geometry. Or if u have the another approach, please suggest me
Have a look at Round-edged box flat already. You can derive a solution from this.
Similar to Prism you can simply define the vertices. In addition to the 6 corners, you must always define the points on the arc in pairs. The formula is much simpler than with Round-edged box flat, as the formula there applies to all four corners.
I remembered that I have a corresponding construction at the showroom:
Showrooms easy to generate from data of a construction drawing or dimensional sketch - now on Github
SHOWROOM/showroom/showroomBuildt.js at 3b3e76f9c059dbf328dfe901a92454d06bedf166 · hofk/SHOWROOM · GitHub
lines 502, 1811, 1904