How to import `three/Three.WebGPU.js` when using vite?

Hey - I’ve got some neat working demos using the preview version of TSL. In particular, I was importing from three/examples, and now it seems that the package is stable. I’d like to upgrade to 0.168.0, but so far I havent been able to figure out the intended way to import the webGPU build in a typescript project configured w/ vite.

Do we need to setup some sort of alias for vite or in our tsconfig to import node_modules/three/build/three.webgpu.js instead of the standard three.js package?

Has anyone gotten this to work?

Do you mean that you want TS type detection? update @types/three to r168,it’s have three.webgpu.d.ts

If your just import it

import { ... } from "three/webgpu";


I had to update my moduleResolution to “bundler”.

thanks for your help, your comment prompted me to look again!

I made this : import * as THREE from “three/build/three.webgpu”; with r170