How to implement multiple disc-based gltf animations on one model gltf

Based on Callum’s pattern I got separate gltf’s working, one for the model, one for the animation. Now I want to build a list of disc-based animations to choose my actions for the mixer from. Copy and pasting to a “B-animation” like I did below did not work, my lack of javascript eloquence makes me a rude tourist. Could anyone maybe help me out here?

const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoader()

let mixer = null

gltfLoader.load(‘/models/SC/glTF/out.gltf’, function (body_gltf) {
body_gltf.scene.traverse(function (child) {

                if (child.isMesh) {
                    child.castShadow = true;
                    child.receiveShadow = true;
                    child.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
                        vertexColors: true,
let body_model = SkeletonUtils.clone(body_gltf.scene);

gltfLoader.load('/models/SC/glTF/crshB.gltf', function (animationB_gltf) {
    // let animation_model = SkeletonUtils.clone(animation_gltf.scene);

    // let animation_object_group = new THREE.AnimationObjectGroup(animation_model);
    // mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(animation_object_group);
    // mixer.clipAction(animation_gltf.animations[0]).play();
    // animation_object_group.add(body_model);
gltfLoader.load('/models/SC/glTF/crshA.gltf', function (animationA_gltf) {
    let animation_model = SkeletonUtils.clone(animationA_gltf.scene);

    let animation_object_group = new THREE.AnimationObjectGroup(animation_model);
    mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(animation_object_group);


One issue with that code, is you don’t know what order crshB and crshA will finish loading… so if you want to use output from both, you have to nest them…


load( ‘crshA’, (a)=>{
load( ‘crshB’, (b)=>{
/// Now a and b are for sure loaded.

