How to draw a curved circle?

Hi everyone, I do not know how to implement such a task, I need to draw a curved circle. I have a curved line with coordinates. Is it possible somehow to draw a curved circle based on these coordinates.

My line looks something like this, only in 3D:

Thanks for help!

How does the result have to look like?


I want the circle to lie on the sphere, I have done it, only now the circle is lying on the sphere only one point at a time. But I want the circle to lie with all points on the sphere

Depends on your goal and needs, you can draw a circle with shaders on the sphere, or, create a new mesh with SphereGeometry of desired parameters :thinking:

Better visualisation:

This is what I already did, but I need the circle to be completely adjacent to the sphere

As I said, you can use SphereGeometry

How can I get the center point of a circle made with SphereGeometry?

The thing you want to build, in its base, is not a (flat) circle, but a (not flat) part of a sphere.

This is what I mean:

Maybe there is some other way, because I need to somehow set the circle in a specific place by Vector3?

In my example, the “circle” placed by Vector3. Used .setFromSphericalCoords() method for simplicity.