How to create a Three.js 3D line series with width and thickness?

Is there a way to create a Three.js 3D line series with width and thickness?
Two solutions, and THREE.MeshLine, have been found, but the results are not very good.
Can I accomplish this by passing in a series of vertex coordinates and rendering lines with radii like cylinders, as shown in the picture below?


what is what on the provided picture?

I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear. I need lines to be rendered not just width, but the effect of curve extrusion on tube.

This is the best I could achieve: ProfiledContourGeometry
And here is an extension from @hofk: ProfiledContourGeometry MultiMaterial
Maybe it will help you to start something new :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. Profiled Contour Geometry is really cool! But my goal is to use the method of drawing lines and shader to achieve the effect of tube. Because I need to draw a lot of data, the frame rate will be very low if I use extrusion, so I am considering whether to pass in two points to render the cylindrical effect through GPU.