How to convert Mediapipe facelandmark coordinates (x,y,z in screen space) to world space coordinates (to move a 3D model)

I am using MediaPipe Facelandmark (which detect face & provide 3D coordinates of specific landmarks in face based on screen space). I want to make use of this coordinates to move a 3D object in Three JS. But 3D model make use of world space coordinates. How can I map the screen coordinates to 3D coordinates.

Thanks & Regards

Hi, Thanks for the response.
I am getting a bigger value for the x,y coordinates in vector. like 7435887.42. I have used to same logic given above. Is there anything related to the camera perspective.

What is the “myloweslife” link you spammed in your response, @cheri232 ?

What are you trying to control in 3d?

Are you trying to render the users face in 3d? Or using it to do face direction tracking?

I am using mediapipe facelandmark result coordinates and use that coordinates to position a 3d model on face like specs.

MindAR does just that for face tracking, have a look at the code to see how they do it.