Trying to use NodeMaterials here to make my normalMap repeat pattern independent from the object map. The problem is, even only with a normal map attached to the object, I cannot make the repeat setting of the normalMap have any effect. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code:
let objectMaterial = new Nodes.MeshStandardNodeMaterial();
objectNormalMap = new THREE.TextureLoader().load("pattern.jpg");
objectNormalMap.wrapS = objectNormalMap.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
objectNormalMap.repeat.set(12, 12); // <<------------- NO EFFECT
objectMaterial.normalMap= new Nodes.TextureNode(objectNormalMap );
I’ve also tried the following without any changes to the result:
objectMaterial.normalMap = new Nodes.NormalMapNode(
new Nodes.TextureNode(objectNormalMap )
Could anyone help? I’ve been trying this for hours without any success.