Current, I want to create glass material like this in blender. But How I can export it to .gltf or create material with threejs like below
I using this code for create material
const r = 'assets/env/texture1/'; const urls = [ r + 'px.jpg', r + 'nx.jpg', r + 'py.jpg', r + 'ny.jpg', r + 'pz.jpg', r + 'nz.jpg' ]; this.textureCube = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader().load(urls);
const glassMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, // envMap: that.textureCube, refractionRatio: 0.8 });
Instead using envMap from CubeTextureLoader, I think they generate dynamic texture by PathTracing-Renderer. But I can’t see any exmaple code in threejs
In your case it’s best to start with a simple transparent material. Implementing a real-time see-through effect with distortions (something like this) is expensive, especially if you have more than a single window in your room. Using a static env-map might be a good compromise.
I’d recommend environment map with a bump or normal map too, when refractions are required and more than a single water surface i would go for screenspace refractions.
I exported project to .gltf format. But unfortunately not supported, then I must create material manually then replace it when threeJs on Init
Could you take a screenshot in node material (Blender 2.8) for example
Env maps and refraction can’t be exported from Blender right now, you’ll have to add those textures to your material after loading it in threejs.
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