How do I set up post-processing to make only one object in the scene glow, not all of it?

I think it would be better to delete that example tbh, it makes the simplest thing ever ridiculously complicated for no reason. bloom is selective ootb, there is nothing else needed, no copy passes, no traversing the scene, all this will only incur extra cost and complexity. Selective Bloom ordering puzzle - #3 by drcmda

And since this is react it’s even easier

import { EffectComposer, Bloom } from '@react-three/postprocessing'

        <Bloom luminanceThreshold={1} mipmapBlur />

// ❌ will not glow, same as RGB [1,0,0]
<meshStandardMaterial color="red"/>

// ✅ will glow, same as RGB [2,0,0]
<meshStandardMaterial emissive="red" emissiveIntensity={2} toneMapped={false} />

// ❌ will not glow, same as RGB [1,0,0]
<meshBasicMaterial color="red" />

// ❌ will not glow, same as RGB [1,0,0], tone-mapping will clamp colors between 0 and 1
<meshBasicMaterial color={[2,0,0]} />

// ✅ will glow, same as RGB [2,0,0]
<meshBasicMaterial color={[2,0,0]} toneMapped={false} />
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