How can I modify the NRRD volumetric example with slicing to show the entire volume

Hello friends,

I have a volumetric page modeled after this example (that uses slicing):

What i am doing is drawing little targets on each cell and that is working real well. See attached images:

The little color dots are positioning nicely inside the volume as well. But i want to draw the entire volume of the grey cell and not just a slice of it at a time. How do i do that using the above example? The above example uses canvas for showing slices.

I also tried with this example below which uses THREE.Data3DTexture:

And here is the results:

This one gives me the entire volume which is nice, but i cant draw little dots inside it any more and raycasting i believe cant give e the position of each littl colored dot inside the volume even if i could draw them. Right noiw as it stands i could not draw any points inside the volume.

Any help is appreciated.


So the first solution is showing the dots without the model, the second the model without the dots, have you considered displaying both at the same time. If the scale is the same they should overlap, you can also add a boolean “checkbox” to switch between the two views or display both at the same time.

Thanks @Fennec for your reply. The dots should display inside the volume of the cell in the second example but I could not display them using the coordinates that would have matched. Nothing was showing up. On the first example the dots display nicely but i only see a slice at a time. So, I need to figure out how i can show all the slices at the same time and not just a slice at a time. That is why i posed the question.