How can I find a model on the renderer?

I know the model works because I can see it on other sites like gltf viewer, but when I load it on my page I can’t see it. I think the problem can be the camera, the light, or the model itself, but i have tried EVERYTHING and I can’t get to see it. Help please. (I have loaded another models before and I at least get to see them on the renderer)

Often this is because the model is:

Too small…

Too gigantic…

Your camera is inside the model…

Your camera is facing away from the model…

You don’t have lights and the model is rendering as black against a black background…

You can try something like:

let bounds = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(glb.scene);

to find out the world bounds.min/bounds.max extents of the model to figure out where to place your camera.

It also helps to insert an AxesHelper into the scene and position/orient the camera so you can see the AxesHelper. Just to be sure your scene is displayed at all (albeit possibly not exactly the part of the scene you’re interested in …)