How can i create 3D polygons from x,y,z coordinates ? 2D to 3D

im trying to do an alternatively world map and, i need to process a data from real world geojson datas.
and i did it, i processed the data and i know where the polygons should located which i show them spheres.
know the problem starting…
i have the necessary coords but i dont know how can i pull the data and create an array and using the indexes which are 5 (last one and first one are the same).
with the indexes i draw an 3D object and i think the object looks like boxes.
can someone help me with the example codes?

Hi sphynx,

That reminds me of this topic. Someone recently asked something similar and I made a code pen for it.
Take a look, maybe it goes in the direction you imagine.

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Thank you its worked !!

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