How can I clone an object?

I called a method and it returned me this JSON but each time I tried to get “mesh” , “anims” or “mixer” y returned me a null response. My main target is to get geometry and material inside mesh to clone an object (fbx).

var models in Models js:

    var models = 
        { scSubj01:
                { obj: man_nodding_obj, txt: man_walking_txt, mesh: null, name: "scSubj01", mixer: null, anims: null, x: -91.67, y: 0, z: -1132.19, rot: leftV, scale: 1.7, action: true, promise: null}

Method I called

		let self = this;
		let models = Models.getModels();
		for( var model in models)
			var txt = null;
			(function (key) 
				let promise_obj = new Promise( resolve => 
						self.loader.load(models[key].obj, function (object)
							if (models[key].txt != null) { txt = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(models[key].txt); } 
							object.traverse( function (child) {
								if (child.isMesh)
									child.castShadow = true;
									child.receiveShadow = true;
									if (txt != null) { = txt; }

							if (models[key].action && object.animations[0] != null)
								models[key].mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(object);
								models[key].mixer.timeScale = 4;
								models[key].anims = object.animations[0]; 
								const act = models[key].mixer.clipAction(models[key].anims);;

							models[key].mesh = object.children[0].clone();
							object.position.set(models[key].x, models[key].y, models[key].z);
							const size = models[key].scale;
							object.scale.set(size, size, size);
							object.rotation.set(0, models[key].rot, 0);
						});  //, resolve
				models[key].promise = promise_obj;
		return models;