How can I build/deploy my Website with THREE.js with multiple html files


I wanted to test my website and build it. I read the Documentation and used Visual Studio Code and Vite

I used the commands to setup my project:
npm install --save three
npm install --save-dev vite

to view it locally:
npx vite

and to build:
npx vite build

My Project has several files. It has an index.html, portfolio.html, about-me.html and two css files.
For know I have in my portfolio site one main.js with THREE. js content.

Later I would like to add some project.htmls with other .js scripts.

How do I build this (to publish it on my server)? So it includes my whole project? If I use the “npx vite build” it creates a dist folder but only contains index.html and some assets ( I think all of the ones I use on the index), no css and no other stuff from my project.

you would typically use what is called a router instead of multiple html. this is called SPA (single page app). or you use a dedicated service like nextjs instead of vite, there you have file system routes and it is probably very close to what you already have.

found this, vite also supports multiple entry points vue.js - Multiple entry points in Vite - Stack Overflow

thank you for the answer, I tried to understand what I should do… I am a little confused because I only have 1 of the pages with a js but the others dont like this:

index.html → css 1
–portfolio.html → main.js + css 1
–aboutme.html → css1
–another.html → css1
(-- project 1 → second.js + css2)

I dont really get what to change
all the html are in the index hierarchy, js and css and assets are in specific folders