Hotspot with animation

Hi there,
I am looking for someone is able to make Hotspot Buttons on a three.js product model with an animation to that targets and back to home perspective?
Thanks a lot,

Are you referring on clickable annotations like in this viewer:

Hi, Mugen87, thank you for that example. Almost yes. Your example seems to be sketchfab and mine is a three.js model in a html folder showing in browser fullscreen. For the motion, yes…it is similar, if you can set specific start and end positions.

I just wanted to clarify this point since your initial job description was a bit undetailed. It should be more clear now for devs what you actually expect.

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Thank you Mugen87. If there is any more question, please let me know.

Maybe this thread can help:


yes but they also need camera animations

I ended up using for a similar project before. I had to modernise and customise the controls quite a bit, but the basic functions for this project are there.

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Hello Cornello

I would like to assist you, as an experience in this.
Please reach out to me Email:
Skype: noah_3861

Very Best Regards

Thanks for it! Checked and answered!

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