I am trying to visualize large-scale point cloud data and since it extends to a larger distance, I have put the camera at 200.
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
camera.position.z = 100;
controls = new OrbitControls(camera, canvas);
controls.minPolarAngle = 0;
controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI;
controls.rotateSpeed = 2;
controls.zoomSpeed = 2;
controls.panSpeed = 5;
proj = mat4.perspective(
(90 * Math.PI) / 180.0,
canvas.width / canvas.height,
The problem with this is that when i go near my scene or point cloud visualization output, zoom or drag or any other control movement is very slow.
This is not a performance issue ( just to make sure I am able to articulate the problem). My FPS is 60 FPS.
you can see I have set zoom speed 2 and panSpeed 5 as well but still it’s not helping.
I can not set a pan speed of 100 because when I zoom out, even at that time I want my control to work nicely with good drag to the top view of the point cloud.
this is my output.
Any help please !