I have a strange behavior that I can’t explain. I have built a small Svelte 5 app. Within my onMount method I create a small scene and try to load a 3D model (glb) using GLTF and DRACOLoader. In my local development environment, the object loads as desired and everything is available. Online, however, I have the problem that I get the following error:
I am not completely new to web development and know that JS objects are displayed like that. However, I am not passing an object but a string.
Here is my code:
import * as THREE from 'three';
import {GLTFLoader} from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader"
import {DRACOLoader} from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/DRACOLoader'
draco = new DRACOLoader();
loader = new GLTFLoader()
loader.load('bike.glb', ( gltf: any ) => {
/public is not a valid path, normally. the role of that folder is that its contents are copied into the /dist folder. when the project is served /public does not exist. given /public/foo.glb the url would become “/foo.glb” (or, ./foo.glb, if you have routes). you do not normally need to use setPath, it’s only needed for gltf which has to refer to external files.
Thank you for your reply!
I should have mentioned that the app will be embedded in another page. Accordingly, it is not a standard Svelte app with SvelteKit or similar. Therefore, my files are not in the app itself, but on the server. My server root and public folder is actually “/public” (Symfony). In which I would like to store and use my models and decoders. So I have to specify the path accordingly, right?
I have also read that relative paths are not OK, but the error message remains the same for both variants. The error message that an object is appended to the URL therefore still puzzles me.
did you use the code i posted, just that and nothing else? there must be something otherwise that you didn’t post here, some code that forms a url to fetch.
and if not it perhaps is your build system. i take it you use vite, and you run “npm run build”, and copy the contents of the /dist folder to your server.
I upload the entire build (dist) folder in the public directory.
It could probably be due to the build process. I’m just not sure how to solve the problem.
I have tried to embed the DRACOLoader and GLTFLoader via the HTML page itself and to access these instances in the code. Even with these (non-built) embeddings, the URL is resolved incorrectly when loading.
When debugging I see the URL, it seems to be only the error message / response that shows the [object%20Object]:
Okay, after 1 1/2 days of troubleshooting I found it and you will laugh. The customer works on the site himself and uses the stone-age library Mootools, which caused all the problems.
@drcmda thank you very much for dealing with the problem