Hi to all, some problem with exported model. Everything is ok, when i export models without boolean operations, but when model is result of subtraction (made with three-csg": “^1.0.6”), model isn’t displayed at android Scene Viewer (https://arvr.google.com/scene-viewer-preview), but still displayed fine at https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/
three js version - “0.115.0”, model in attachment merged.gltf (53.9 KB)
And as i wrote above, BoxGeometry is not displayed BOX.gltf (4.9 KB) , but BoxBufferGeometry is displayed fine cube2.gltf (2.3 KB)
The differences not so big, but only GLTF from BoxBufferGeometry has ‘indices’ property
is that sign of indexed geometry ?
and how i can make the BoxGeometry look like BoxBufferGeometry with indices property ?