GLTF to USDZ converter for windows

For the last two days I have trying to find a converter which can convert GLTF files to USDZ format. But I couldn’t find one that works properly. The USDZ exporter addon for blender doesn’t export USDZ. And there is no free reliable online solution out there. I have tried to use this library but there is no way I could build USD from Pixar, I have followed all the instructions correctly but it only gives me bunch of errors. I have also tried different versions of the software but still no luck. There is no updated tutorial available on the internet about it. Can I use prebuilt binaries from NVIDIA?

three.js has a work-in-progress USDZExporter. Have you already tried the following example: three.js webgl - USDZ exporter ? The example imports a glTF asset via GLTFLoader and then exports to USDZ.

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OMG…Thanks a lot. This completely skipped my eye. This works. Is there any option to upload the GLTF file?

Um, what do you mean with “upload”? In general, you have to import glTF assets into your three.js app before you can export them to USDZ.

As per your suggestion I have created a three.js app. It works completely fine with the example DamagedHelmet but when I use my own model it doesn’t work. Tried a couple different model but still no luck.

I have created a CodeSandbox

First off, I think it’s an amazing piece of work, to create a js based USDZ exporter.

That said, I am having similar issues to Lily. Some models work, some don’t.
Another thing I’ve noticed, if I create a USDZ from three, then upload it to a server and link to it, it seems to always work. Could it be a limitation on blob size in the browser?
iOS is really useful, it just says “Object requires a newer version of iOS” when a model fails.

Are there any known limitations of the exporter?

Absolutely agree with you Peter. It’s a life saver. The manual process of building USD on windows is really exhausting and in my case it didn’t even worked.

Maybe there are some export setting problems that is causing it to not work.

The exporter is quite new and does only support certain parts of the USDZ standard. Consider to file feature requests at GitHub like the following so the community can try to add them.

Notice that it’s important to share an asset in such issues so interested devs have something for testing and development.