Hello, I Started recently playing around with Threejs and Pyvista.
Is there a way to get the vertex_positions and the faces so I can use them for mesh creation on Pyvista.
In my case, there is a selection of an area ( building ) that we’ll need to save, create the 3D visualisation and voxelize it ! but we want to do this on the back side ( using Python )
For the moment, I’ve been doing this to get the coordinates :
Getting the BufferGeometry from the selected box/area ;
What I’m doing now to export the needed data so I can use it later :
// Get the vertex positions from the geometry
const positions = bufferBoxGeometry.attributes.position.array;
// Get the vertex normals from the geometry (if available)
const normals = bufferBoxGeometry.attributes.normal
? bufferBoxGeometry.attributes.normal.array
: null;
// Get the UV coordinates from the geometry (if available)
const uvs = bufferBoxGeometry.attributes.uv
? bufferBoxGeometry.attributes.uv.array
: null;
// Get the triangle indices from the geometry
const indices = bufferBoxGeometry.index
? bufferBoxGeometry.index.array
: null;
// Convert the vertex positions to a nested array of [x, y, z] coordinates
const vertices = [];
for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 3) {
vertices.push([positions[i], positions[i + 1], positions[i + 2]]);
// Convert the vertex normals to a nested array of [x, y, z] coordinates (if available)
const normalsArray = [];
if (normals) {
for (var i = 0; i < normals.length; i += 3) {
normalsArray.push([normals[i], normals[i + 1], normals[i + 2]]);
// Convert the UV coordinates to a nested array of [u, v] coordinates (if available)
const uvsArray = [];
if (uvs) {
for (var i = 0; i < uvs.length; i += 2) {
uvsArray.push([uvs[i], uvs[i + 1]]);
// Convert the triangle indices to a nested array of triangle indices (if available)
const triangles = [];
if (indices) {
for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i += 3) {
triangles.push([indices[i], indices[i + 1], indices[i + 2]]);
// Create an object that contains all the exported data
const exportData = {
vertices: vertices,
normals: normalsArray,
uvs: uvsArray,
triangles: triangles,
const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(exportData);
Is there a CORRECT way or best way to do so, because for the moment I’m having issues getting this data and manipulate it using Pyvista in Python.
Thanks you in advance.