I’m having issues trying to use react three fiber and UnrealBloomPass. The bloom automatically turns my sphere white but I want the color to be the meshes color (pink).
I read this link, but I can’t figure out how to convert this to R3F implementation. Any ideas?
Have you tried to change the tint colors? Left snapshot is with default white tint colors, the right snapshot uses deep pink tint colors. Here is a non-R3F demo (see lines 26-32):
it’s the same, you just use way too intense colors. a regular rgb value in three is between 0 and 1, not 0 and 255, so you are 255 times over the threshold in your bloom.
ps there is a description for bloom here React Postprocessing Documentation it explains how it works and how you get materials to glow selectively.
as for retaining the original color and just having bloom, that isn’t how it works. emissive works like a hot light, it starts to diffuse once it overwhelms the observer with intensity, the source of the emission will appear white-ish. this is the same in blender, when you crank emissive up the object turns white. you can counteract some of that with emissive, emissiveIntensity, color and also tonemapping, but in the end it will still try to work in a realistic manner.
Quick question - When it comes to exact colors, it seems like it’s has a lot of trouble, and might not emit anything (has issues dealing with emitting blue tones, however red is fine.) I’m wondering why this may be? Im trying to use the hex value #40529f and it just keeps becoming fully white.