Tesla Gigafactory looking for web developer with Three.js / Verge3D skills (Austin, Texas).
Apply here: Tesla Careers
I m a senior threejs , webgl , react three fiber developer with for 7 years experiences.
I have built many 3d configuration car projects several times in past
I would like to discuss more details via telegram or discord or slack
telegram : @DSODIN
discord : DS-3dworld#0020
thank you
It should not take more than 7 years to learn to apply where they tell you to, and yet…
I doubt that tesla recruiters use telegram or discord. I’ve seen them use calendly or something like that, and usually its a zoom link or a google hangout.
I have a working THREEjs CANNON virtual experience engine designed to handle multiple vehicles and online characters (max 100 at a time), perfect for car simulations to drive around a large scale city, the engine only loads close proximity assets to the camera, and unloads assets that get far or out of sight
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