Forest - A Magical Soundscape Generator

Hey there, this is an audio-visual experiment made using Tone.js and Three.js. You plant trees and listen to the magical soundscapes they generate. :slight_smile:


Nice. :sunglasses:

You should test this using different browsers, though.

macOS Safari 13.1.3 silently fails (permanent busy indicator), this is the console output:

On Firefox 100.0.2 it simply says (on screen): Sorry, your browse’is no good :frowning:

On Chrome Version 101.0.4951.54 (Offizieller Build) (x86_64) it’s finally working.

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Thanks for the feedback!
I wasn’t aware about Safari but knew it didn’t run on Firefox. Unfortunately, I think it’s a problem to do with how the audio routing is set up and haven’t yet been able to find a solution.