below is my code:
SquarePyramid: () => {
// mesh.position.y = 2;
// mesh.position.x = 0;
//mesh.position.z = 0;
I cant able to have the proper position for front flip of square pyramid i tried some ways i can’t able to fix. Guys if u know please give me the solution.
It’s not clear what you’re trying to do, and i hope you know rotateZ takes in radians (there’s 2*PI radians in 360°)
when i used like this
SquarePyramid: () => {
it is not moving anything
because that’s moving you around 360 back to your initial orientation. You should use ([deg]/180)*PI instead. [Deg] stands for whatever degree you’d want to convert to radians.
public flipFront(mesh: THREE.Mesh): void {
this.handleMeshTransformation(mesh, {
HalfCylinder: () => {
mesh.position.y += ActionConfiguration.offsetHalfCylinderfrontBack;
mesh.position.x -= ActionConfiguration.offsetCurvedCubeHalfCylinder;
Prism: () => {
mesh.position.y += ActionConfiguration.offesetPrismCurveCube;
mesh.position.x -=
SquarePyramid: () => {
mesh.rotateZ((45 / 180) * Math.PI);
Cone: () => {
mesh.position.x += ActionConfiguration.offsetHalfcylinderConeCylinder;
Cylinder: () => {
mesh.position.x += ActionConfiguration.offsetHalfcylinderConeCylinder;
HemiSphere: () => {
mesh.position.y += ActionConfiguration.offsetHemisphere;
actually this is my code for front flip all the shape is working properly except squarepyramid
it always landed by one of the vertex instead of landed by edge
the only what i want to know is why it is landed by vertex
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