This thread points to the old example that used to exist, showing how to retarget BVH (and! It was based on BVH, so I think that’s a clue, because any time I tried to apply BVH to a GLTF model it was similarly messed up):
I have a character that I had rigged by Mixamo, and I have a few animations in BVH-files from the Carnegie Mocap Library. I want to transfer the animation clips to this character.
I could not find any information anywhere how to do this in ThreeJS.
I did have a look at the SEA3D / BVH retargeting example, but that one seems to use the BVH skeleton instead of the rig the character already has. And I don’t want to end up with a lot of skeletons…
Anyone some hints how to get started?
And what I mean by “messed up” is this happens:
hi all, i have encounter a problem when i load a bvh animation and set the animationClip for a gltf model,
the bvh animation is exported from blender, and the gltf model is also exported from blender , they are export from the same object.
the image below shows the result
the steps which i did is like this:
load a model with animation into blender
export the model using glb format
export bvh
gltfloader load the gltf model into threejs and create mixer
bvhloader load t…