Point A is the location I am using to translate my geometry to.
thing.translate ( x : Float, y : Float, z : Float ) :
Points B & C are 3d points that I would like to use to calculate the rotatateX, rotatateY & rotatateZ.
Points A, B & C could be anywhere in 3d space so long as they were not all co-linear. Points A & B would be the Y axis of the original object before it was transformed.
Would any one be able to help me out with the maths here. Thanks for any help.
You could try calculating the needed quaternion rotations in world space based on the two axes and apply them successively after repositioning.
A snippet which would work for nested geometries: https://jsfiddle.net/amitlzkpa/tkg54zbh/
It would need slight modification if your objects are not nested under Object3Ds.
I distilled the example down to a single function however I am working with the result of a THREE.ExtrudeGeometry() function that needs to have the translation applied.
I am hoping that there is an easy way to modify this function to handle geometry. Not buffer Geometry.
async function repos(shapeMoving, p1, p2, p3) {
await shapeMoving.position.set(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);
// align the local up axis of the shapeMoving
// get the object's local up axis
// read parent objects orientation and apply it object's up axis
// any other axis can also be used as a source axis here
var srcV = new THREE.Vector3();
var qt1 = new THREE.Quaternion();
// calculate the target orientation for the object up axis
var tgtV = p2.clone().sub(p1);
// calculate the quternion that would be required for the orientation
// based on the reference vectors
var qt2 = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors(srcV, tgtV);
// apply the rotation to the shapeMoving; that'll also align the axis helper
await shapeMoving.applyQuaternion(qt2);
// align the local side axis so it falls on the plane of the 3 pts
// get the side axis in world space
var pt1 = shapeMoving.localToWorld(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1));
var srcV = shapeMoving.position.clone().sub(pt1);
await srcV.normalize();
// get the normal of the plane the points lie in
var plane = new THREE.Plane().setFromCoplanarPoints(p1, p2, p3);
var tgtV = plane.normal.clone();
await tgtV.normalize();
// calculate the transformation and apply it
var qt = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors(srcV, tgtV);
await shapeMoving.applyQuaternion(qt);
.rotateX ( radians : Float ) : Geometry
Rotate the geometry about the X axis. This is typically done as a one time operation but not during the render loop.
Use Object3D.rotation for typical real-time mesh rotation.
.rotateY ( radians : Float ) : Geometry
Rotate the geometry about the Y axis. This is typically done as a one time operation but not during the render loop.
Use Object3D.rotation for typical real-time mesh rotation.
.rotateZ ( radians : Float ) : Geometry
Rotate the geometry about the Z axis. This is typically done as a one time operation but not during the render loop.
Use Object3D.rotation for typical real-time mesh rotation.
.translate ( x : Float, y : Float, z : Float ) : Geometry
Translate the geometry. This is typically done as a one time operation but not during the render loop.
Use Object3D.position for typical real-time mesh translation.
BTW: The demo broke because three.js files from different releases were included (which is actually a no-go). Now, three.js and OrbitControls are both from r123.