FBX Camera Rotation vs Spot Light

I am having issues with rotation, still… I found a order, and such that works in Terragen, except for the spot light. I have for cameras with all their rotations matching, but the spotlight is just looking off into space.

Is there a difference between these objects rotation? I double-checked, and triple-checked the exporting of the test scene and the eulers are all the same between the objects.

Camera Rotation

						obj.rotation.reorder( eulerOrderString );
						var rotation = ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.x ) + rotationOffset[0] % 360 ) ) + ' ' + ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.y ) ) + rotationOffset[1] % 360 ) 
									+ ' ' + ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.z ) + rotationOffset[2] % 360 ) );
						if ( checkboxProps['swapXZ'] ) {
							rotation = ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.z ) + rotationOffset[0] % 360 ) ) + ' ' + ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.y ) ) + rotationOffset[1] % 360 ) 
									+ ' ' + ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.x ) + rotationOffset[2] % 360 ) );

Spotlight Rotation

						obj.rotation.reorder( eulerOrderString );

						var rotation = ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.x ) + rotationOffset[0] % 360 ) ) + ' ' + ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.y ) ) + rotationOffset[1] % 360 ) 
									+ ' ' + ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.z ) + rotationOffset[2] % 360 ) );
						if ( checkboxProps['swapXZ'] ) {
							rotation = ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.z ) + rotationOffset[0] % 360 ) ) + ' ' + ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.y ) ) + rotationOffset[1] % 360 ) 
									+ ' ' + ( Math.round( THREE.Math.radToDeg( obj.rotation.x ) + rotationOffset[2] % 360 ) );

Just for sanity, I set my spot light to the exact same position, and rotation as one of my cameras, and it indeed, has a different rotation for some reason. Can someone explain why this is?

Spotlight Rotation:

 _order: "XYZ"
_x: 1.9583931751202461
_y: 0.36136719684331386
_z: -2.4278683133620076

Camera Rotation:

_order: "XYZ"
_x: -3.1415920811452525
_y: -0.7853980727851162
_z: 2.617994246027166

I don’t understand why the rotation would come out different for the spotlight object. Is this an error?

Update: changing orientation in Terragen, I notice not even the location is correct, despite being exactly the same as Camera3 while exporting.

4-axis-cameras-plus-lights.fbx (30.9 KB)