Hey there
I am currently developing a 3D website for my portfolio and i noticed that my 3d model loads slow.
So i started to look for the solution and i’ve bumped into Wawa Sensei’s video about ktx2.
I’ve transformed my glb to ktx2 and tried to do it as shown on video.
Link to Wawa Sensei’s video
Here is the full code. But, originally, transcoder path that is being set by function SetTranscoderPath() had a link “https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/pmndrs/drei-assets/basis/” but
if you paste it and look for it then it leads you to message: Package size exceeded the configured limit of 50 MB. Try drei-assets/basis at master · pmndrs/drei-assets · GitHub instead.
So i used this link instead
import { useScroll, useGLTF, GradientTexture, Loader } from "@react-three/drei";
import { useFrame, useThree } from "@react-three/fiber";
import { folder, useControls } from "leva";
import gsap from "gsap";
import { KTX2Loader } from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/KTX2Loader";
export function Axe(props) {
const gl = useThree((state) => state.gl);
const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF(
(loader) => {
const ktx2loader = new KTX2Loader();
loader.setKTX2Loader = ktx2loader;
const axe = useRef();
const axeScale = useRef();
const scroll = useScroll();
const tl = useRef();
useFrame((state, delta) => {
tl.current.seek(scroll.offset * tl.current.duration());
useLayoutEffect(() => {
tl.current = gsap.timeline({
defaults: { duration: 0.3, ease: "power1.inOut" },
.to(axe.current.position, { x: 4 }, 0.1)
.to(axe.current.position, { y: 0 }, 0.1)
.to(axe.current.position, { z: 1.5 }, 0.1)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { x: -0.2 }, 0.1)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { y: -4.3 }, 0.1)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { z: 0 }, 0.1)
.to(axeScale.current.scale, { x: 0.0115, y: 0.0115, z: 0.0115 }, 0.1)
.to(axe.current.position, { x: -4.7 }, 0.4)
.to(axe.current.position, { y: -0.16 }, 0.4)
.to(axe.current.position, { z: 1.44 }, 0.4)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { x: -0.2 }, 0.4)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { y: -1.97 }, 0.4)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { z: 0 }, 0.4)
.to(axeScale.current.scale, { x: 0.01, y: 0.01, z: 0.01 }, 0.4)
.to(axe.current.position, { x: -0.13 }, 0.7)
.to(axe.current.position, { y: -1.09 }, 0.7)
.to(axe.current.position, { z: 0.5 }, 0.7)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { x: -0.57 }, 0.7)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { y: -3.11 }, 0.7)
.to(axe.current.rotation, { z: -1.62 }, 0.7)
.to(axeScale.current.scale, { x: 0.01, y: 0.01, z: 0.01 }, 0.7);
}, []);
return (
position={[-1.23, 0, 0]}
rotation={[-0.2, -2.49, 0]}
<group rotation={[-Math.PI, 0, 0]} scale={0.01} ref={axeScale}>
rotation={[Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]}
But i end up seeing this error in the console:
Uncaught Error: Could not load /transformed/free_axe_sylvaxe_ktx.glb: THREE.GLTFLoader: setKTX2Loader must be called before loading KTX2 textures
And also message:
THREE.WebGLRenderer: Context Lost.
P.S. i transformed glb to jsx using gltfjsx
Does anybody know what to do in this situation?
Thank you