You could try flipping it after it’s created, similar to this:
import { EXRLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/EXRLoader.js';
const lightMapEXR = new EXRLoader();
const lightMap = lightMapEXR.load('Floor.exr');
lightMap.flipY = true; // or false, just try both
If that still does not work then try flipping the EXR file itself, for this you could try using my IMG2MESH viewer / converter, which might not necessarily produce identical image (might be slightly lighter or darker or something else). The file size might also differ from original.
You would locally load your EXR file and then select either EXR or EXR_Y export option in the viewer.
Thank for the reply. I think I did try that but will give it another go.
The odd thing is if I console.log flipY then I can see it is changing true to false or false to true but it just has no effect on the mapping to the mesh, if the exr is loaded via EXRLoader.
I’ll take a look at your suggestion of flipping the exr its self, might be a good work around.
Fantastic - yes that worked!
Thank you for the help
Edit - probably should just add that i did need to tweak this, as I need to do a check in the animate() loop for some animatable bits that rely on the model and exr having loaded.
let lightMap;
const lightMapEXR = new EXRLoader();
lightMap = await lightMapEXR.loadAsync('Floor.exr');
lightMap.flipY = true;
function animate() {
if(singleModelGrp && lightMap){
// various code to animate some model parts