I have converted the three.module.js from the built folder to a UMD file using Rollup. But I am getting this weird error when trying to use the threejs file in my vanilla js project -
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getX')
at Vector4.fromBufferAttribute (THREE.js:2915:23)
at SkinnedMesh.applyBoneTransform (THREE.js:32616:15)
at SkinnedMesh.getVertexPosition (THREE.js:32532:9)
at SkinnedMesh.computeBoundingSphere (THREE.js:32469:10)
at Frustum.intersectsObject (THREE.js:13374:50)
at projectObject (THREE.js:29857:47)
at projectObject (THREE.js:29915:6)
at WebGLRenderer.render (THREE.js:29679:5)
at animate (activity.js:89:13)
at activity.js:86:3
would you clarify what you mean by “vanilla js project” ? threejs is vanilla js. im guessing you mean your project is based on pre module-era ecmascript 5?
@drcmda , yes it is ecma 5. What I am trying to do is to run GLTF Loader. I have used the same rollup script to convert the GLTF Loader file to a UMD, and I want to do the same for the three.js file in the build folder of the repo.
This is for r166.
I have managed to fix that issue, but run into another one with the gltf loader file. When I am trying to load the gltf model I get these errors-
An error happened TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'workingColorSpace')
at addPrimitiveAttributes (gltf.js:4647:30)
at GLTFParser.loadGeometries (gltf.js:3666:25)
at GLTFParser.loadMesh (gltf.js:3709:25)
at gltf.js:2817:35
at GLTFParser._invokeOne (gltf.js:2758:20)
at GLTFParser.getDependency (gltf.js:2815:25)
at GLTFParser.createNodeMesh (gltf.js:4037:18)
at gltf.js:4153:38
at GLTFParser._invokeOne (gltf.js:2758:20)
at GLTFParser._loadNodeShallow (gltf.js:4151:31)
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: THREE.LoaderUtils.resolveURL is not a function