Hi, I’m Fabio from Italy, my first post here. I’m new in Threejs, coming from some use of p5.
My intent is to be able to change the colors of a subject scene composed of multiple (voxelized) meshes parts.
Files already created in magicavoxels and exported as obj.
All materials share the same texture, a 256x1 px png.
(Some of) these pixels are the colors, mapped through UV map coordinates written in the obj file:
vt 0.751953 0.5
vt 0.802734 0.5
vt 0.810547 0.5
vt 0.912109 0.5
just moving along X axis of the png I’m able to edit material colors.
That’s my approach, maybe it’s not the best one.
I’m looking for a way to edit the vt (texture coordinates) in the obj file before loading it in the scene
Any help appreciated.
OBJ model format is just text - you should be able to just fetch the .obj file, modify it in any way you need - then use OBJLoader.parse on the modified string (instead of .load
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Thanks, that’s the way as it’s just text as you say.
I think I did it actually (with some AI help…). I share here:
Read(fetch) the OBJ file.
Thern parse and Modify the Texture Coordinates:
function modifyOBJTextureCoordinates(objContent, newCoordinates) {
// Split the content into lines
const lines = objContent.split(‘\n’);
const modifiedLines = lines.map(line => {
if (line.startsWith('vt ‘)) {
// Parse the texture coordinate line
const parts = line.split(’ ');
const x = parseFloat(parts[1]);
const y = parseFloat(parts[2]);
// Modify the X coordinate
const newX = newCoordinates[x];
// Reconstruct the line with the new X coordinate
return `vt ${newX.toFixed(6)} ${y.toFixed(6)}`;
return line;
// Join the lines back into a single string
return modifiedLines.join(‘\n’);
Then reconstruct the OBJ File and Load It
async function loadModifiedOBJ(url, newCoordinates) {
// Fetch the OBJ file content
const response = await fetch(url);
const objContent = await response.text();
// Modify the texture coordinates
const modifiedContent = modifyOBJTextureCoordinates(objContent, newCoordinates);
// Create a blob URL for the modified OBJ content
const blob = new Blob([modifiedContent], { type: ‘text/plain’ });
const modifiedURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Load the modified OBJ using Three.js OBJLoader
const loader = new OBJLoader();
loader.load(modifiedURL, function (object) {