Edit the play range of each of the actions in a series

I built a model with multiple animations with Blender. Then I imported as a GLF into three.js and it can play a series of animations one by one with the help of @Mugen87 ( Thanks!!).

But I’d like to edit the play range of each of the actions. As a result, I wrote this piece of code:

		function playNextAction () {
			if ( currentActionIndex === playList.length ) {
				currentActionIndex = 0;

			var action = mixer.clipAction(glf.animations[ playList[currentActionIndex] ]);
			if (currentActionIndex!==0){
				action.time = 0.1;
				glf.animations[ playList[currentActionIndex] ].duration = 0.20;
			currentActionIndex ++;

This function will be invoked after one action has been played, and stop being invoked if there is no action in the list.

The problem: I 'd like to cut the first several frames of each of the animations. In the code, I tried to make the action start to play at the time point 0.1s, and the each of the animation duration is 0.2s. But when I run this code, the play range won’t change. Any ideas?

How about using AnimationUtils.subclip() for this use case? This will allow you to create a new clip, containing only the segment of the original clip between the given frames.

It works! Thanks!
It seems that I’m not familiar enough with the documents! Thank you so much!