Dispose of the KTX loader with r3f when asset is laoded

Hi to everyone,
Working currently on a little project with r3f, I am currently loading glb ( draco ) with a ktx2 textures, I used the : awesome tool to convert/compress the glb.
Got this message on mobile (safari) : THREE.KTX2Loader: Multiple active KTX2 loaders may cause performance issues. Use a single KTX2Loader instance, or call .dispose() on old instances.

That’s the way i use to load the glb and ktx:

  const { scene, nodes, materials } = useGLTF(
    (loader) => {
      const ktx2loader = new KTX2Loader();
      console.log(ktx2loader, "ktx2loader");

Somebody knows how can I “share” one ktx loader across multiple files, or how i can dispose of the ktx loader when the asset is fully loaded.
Thks! <3