Displaying single Object3D differently on 2 scenes

I’m looking for the cleanest and most optimal way to do the following:
Let’s say that I have an Object3D which contains 3 meshes made of some BoxGeometries. On one scene I want them to be positioned next to each other, let’s say just flat. In the second scene, I wanted to rotate 2 of the meshes at some angle. Example: scene 1 - ___; scene 2 - _/. Sometimes I would want to add some kind of other mesh to the object and only on scene 2. I need to find an optimal solution because the object will have holes in it (using Shape.holes or CSG), that’s why creating two separate objects for two separate scenes might not be the best idea here. I also think that using the “flat object” to make the necessary holes in it would simplify the operations later. Could someone provide me with a simple example of how to do this? Or maybe is there functionality already in it that would make it a lot easier?

this is pretty unclear, may be best if you provide some sort of visual reference… nevertheless you can definitely have 2 scenes and render them in parralel, however, one object can only ever have one parent so any object you add to scene 1 can not also be contained by or exist in scene 2 simultaneously, you’d need to use seperate objects for each scene.

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As @Lawrence3DPK said, you have to have different objects in both scenes. However, you can clone objects and this will take just a tiny bit of memory, because cloned object will reuse the geometry and the material of the original object.

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