Hello, I’m new here, new to threejs but quite advanced in 3d knowledge or vanilla JS. I’m currently trying to do spatial data visualization by creating a dynamic 3D graph (that varies with datas). I already did this in 2D with the d3js library, but is it possible in 3D with threejs?
I’ve seen 3d heatmap projects made with the app Unity like here, but never with Threejs.
My challenge is to create a grid that deforms on Y and becomes more colored according to the more or less long temporal presence of an object above it, as a 3d heatmap. I made a small image to be more explicit. In my example, the longer the sphere has been in one place on the surface, the higher the grid.
The idea would then be to be able to click on different buttons to display different visualizations.
Do I have a chance of achieving my goals with Threejs? And if yes, what would be the most efficient method in your opinion? Could I create an ‘on the fly’ heightmap image (black/white jpg) with the datas and apply this height with a dynamic heightmap shader? Or is it better to deform a grid point by point by calculating each height for performances ?
Thank you for your help and advices !