Consuming point data streaming from rest endpoint

I have a rest endpoint which streams 3D point data(x,y,z).
Is it possible to write a threejs program which can consume this streaming data and render it on browser as point cloud?

yes, It is possible.
I can make it quickly.

Any lead on how to do it using threejs?

yes, Please connect discord
My Discord : blueocean7335

@mghildiy you might also be able to get some idea from this project.

There is also a post about it in this forum.


Most likely you would feed the points into a BufferGeometry and use Points/PointsMaterial to render it.

It is possible.

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I could render pointcloud by consuming data coming from server.

I had to first consume all the incoming data(used ReadableStream), and then did the necessary threejs things.

I am not sure if I can render point cloud with initial chunks of server data, and then incrementally add more points to it as more data streams in from server.