Combining VolumeNodeMaterial with webgpu postprocessing

I’m trying to combine two examples, the webgpu volumetric cloud example with the webgpu selective bloom postprocessing example. But I run into shader errors (both GLSL and WGSL) when trying to render the VolumeNodeMaterial with an additional call to getTextureNode('bloomIntensity')
I am using bloomIntesity but it seems to occur with any outputNode name I use.

I have tried explicity writing a bloomIntensity value to the volumeNodeMaterial’s .mrtNode and have also tried manually setting it’s colorNode and fragmentNode outputs:

			material.mrtNode = mrt({
				bloomIntensity: float(0)

But have not had any success so far and cannot get the cloud to render in my scene. The GLSL shader error I encounter is:
WebGL warning: drawElementsInstanced:
Program has no frag output at location 1, the destination draw buffer has an attached image, and its color write mask is not all false, and DRAW_BUFFER1 is not NONE.

And with WGSL I see a more detailed error:

Color target has no corresponding fragment stage output but writeMask (ColorWriteMask::(Red|Green|Blue|Alpha)) is not zero.
 - While validating targets[1] framebuffer output.
 - While validating fragment state.
 - While calling [Device].CreateRenderPipeline([RenderPipelineDescriptor ""renderPipeline_VolumeNodeMaterial_20""]).

[Invalid RenderPipeline "renderPipeline_VolumeNodeMaterial_20"] is invalid.
 - While encoding [RenderPassEncoder (unlabeled)].SetPipeline([Invalid RenderPipeline "renderPipeline_VolumeNodeMaterial_20"]).
 - While finishing [CommandEncoder "renderContext_1"].

[Invalid CommandBuffer from CommandEncoder "renderContext_1"] is invalid.
 - While calling [Queue].Submit([[Invalid CommandBuffer from CommandEncoder "renderContext_1"]])

Would this be worth opening an issue over? Am I missing an essential piece in my postprocessing implementation by trying to combine VolumeNodeMaterial with this simple postprocessing pipeline? Is there a way I can separate them out into their own postprocessing pass and leave them unaffected by the call to scenePass.getTextureNode('bloomIntensity)?

My intention is not to add bloom to the VolumeNodeMaterial (though that would be cool,) Just to get them rendering in my scene which uses postprocessing for other elements.

    const scenePass = pass( this, );
    scenePass.setMRT( mrt( {
      bloomIntensity: float( 0 )
    } ) );
    const outputPass = scenePass.getTextureNode();
// This line seems to be the one causing issues
    const bloomIntensityPass = scenePass.getTextureNode( 'bloomIntensity' );
  const bloomPass = bloom( outputPass.mul( bloomIntensityPass ), 1, 0.01, 0.1);
    this.postProcessing = new PostProcessing( this.renderer );
    this.postProcessing.outputColorTransform = false;
    this.postProcessing.outputNode = outputPass.add(bloomPass).renderOutput();