i am building a configurator with r3f and zustand for the state management. I want to add a functionality to compare configurations. My idea is to clone the current configurations group at some point and offset it in its position to compare it. If i would just duplicate the Component all zustand values would also change the duplicate. So my idea was to clone the parent group and offset it as i did in this codesandbox:
But this solution does not seem right at all. I could not get the <Clone /> Component from drei to work… maybe that would be a better solution? Or using a <primitive />. The problem i encountered when trying was that my refs to the group where undefined at first so i always got errors. I tried to fix it with useEffect and useMemo but could not make it work…
Has anybody a solution or an advice on how i could do this?
Think of a component as the deterministic outcome of a bunch of input values. Same values same outcome. Different values different outcome. If whatever it is that you want to configure in a certain way is abstracted correctly this wouldn’t even be a challenge, just mount two components with their respective configs.
Never clone indiscriminately, never call scene.add/remove, this is all dirty.
if you keep state at the parental level and make components configurabe to props, you gain a lot of flexibility and the code will be a lot cleaner and less wired.
Alright thanks for the informative answer. But the problem in my actual case is that the app is deeply nested so i used the useStore hooks to only rerender some part of the tree and not the entire group. As an example:
door element
door model
hinge models
hinge 1
If i change states at the top level and send them down all the small changes like hinge material would cause the whole tree to rerender right? I was trying to keep the unnecessary rerenders as little as possible. Is there another way than sending the configuration down the tree? Or should i just use the store the way you mentioned to have 2 independent configurations?