Moving Points in 1 Component Effects other Components, How Come?

I have this in one file…

 const [amount, setAmount] = useState(1);

  {Array.from({ length: amount }).map((_, index) => (
        position={[index * 30, 0, index * 30]}
        key={index} />

And inside Table_A_Individual I’m doing…

  const bindHead1 = useDrag(({ delta: [deltaX, deltaY], direction: [dx, dy], }) => { 
     if (dy < 0)
    constrainBaseToHeadUp(-deltaY, nodes.table_A_Base.geometry) 
    }  else if (dy > 0.1) {
    constrainBaseToHeadDown(-deltaY, nodes.table_A_Base.geometry) 
      < {...bindHead1()} {...springHead1}>

(Im just showing the relevant parts of the code. It’s been extremely simplified.)

The constrainBaseToHeadUp() and constrainBaseToHeadDown() are where I push points. The problem is pushing points in component also push points in the other components. I was thinking that pushing points in a component would be isolated even though they are using the same model. Here is a screen recording of the issue, here it is live for the adventurous.

Ok so I got an answer from another platform, turns out that I have to clone() my mesh in order for each instance to be unique. So many gotchas…

use gltfjsx. this will create an immutable scene that is re-usable, just open your shell and type

npx gltfjsx yourmodel.glb --transform

other than that, react-three-fiber will not alter how threejs functions. if you have this scenario

const model = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)

then the model will only appear in parentB because one object3D can only ever be in one place, threejs will auto-remove it from the previous parent, this happens in the add function.

if you re-use the geometry like you do, and then alter vertices, same problem

const modelA = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
const modelB = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
// This will affect both models
geometry.attributes.position.array[0] = ... 
// As well as this