canvasTexture is blurry meanwhile the origin canvas is not

i’m using canvas as texutre to render a plane, but canvasTexutre on plane is a little blurry.

how to fix blurry part?

here is the code:

Try setting your renderer.setPixelRatio to something higher than 1.0 (or just set it to window.devicePixelRatio.)

tried that, but not work

add antialias:true to renderer constructor?

tried, also not work

Try = = THREE.LinearFilter`

What is the original image size that determines the canvas width and height, it may be getting downscaled if it’s size is not a “power of 2” (eg… 256, 512)

Have you tried disable image smoothing on canvas?

it get little better after minFilter using THREE.LinearFilter ,but the result is also litte blurry

ei, not work either…