Canvas to texture issue

I am trying to create a water displacement using canvas and I managed to create the canvas animation that I wanted but when I try to set it as a texture it only shows the black fill, I just don’t get it why.

The top black window is the threejs scene, and the bottom is the canvas used as a texture…

Here is the code of the canvas animation

I literally don’t understand what I a doing wrong…

I am using this:

this.texture = new THREE.CanvasTexture(this.canvas);
this.texture.needsUpdate = true;

So it is working fine if I use it in a ShaderMaterial but not in postprocessing, now I am more confused than the first time…

Ok after more debugging it seams that it only shows the first frame, is like needsUpdate dose not work, I tried to log it and I get undefined, what I am missing?

Ok so after trying an entire day AI helped me I added the testure like this this.customPass.uniforms.uTexture.value = this.displacementTexture;

FOr some reason it works…