Cant't clone a TextGeometry after r133


After updating my project to r134, I found I can’t call .clone() on a TextGeometry object. I get the error “TextGeometry.js:33 THREE.TextGeometry: font parameter is not an instance of THREE.Font.”

Maybe the font parameter is lost in the clone after this commit:

I copied the text geometry example to jsfiddle to reproduce it, notice how the assignment of ‘textGeo2’ triggers the error:

Is it a bug? or am I missing something?


clone() methods were actually broken for all geometry generators since the type of the class was not retained.

We have fixed this for all generators that support copy(). Unfortunately, TextGeometry does not which is one reason why it is no part of the core anymore. That also means clone() is not supported anymore for this class.

You can fix this on app level by implementing a custom clone method. Or by stop using it and use the new operator instead.

I understand, thanks for your answer!