Can't export glb object when mesh three materials with addGroup

Hi, in one project I mesh three materials (one color and two images png) to appy to a glb child object , the result is good but I can’t export it with GLTFExporter. The page simply stop to respond without any error code. Here is my code. Some ideas?

     var addtxt = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('img/womaneye.png');
  var addtxt2 = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( 'img/womanmouth.png');
  addtxt.flipY = false;
  addtxt2.flipY = false;
  var material0 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( {
	color: parseInt('0x' + color.color),
	shininess: 10,
	visible: true
  } );
  var material1 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( {
    transparent: true,
	map: addtxt,
	shininess: 10,
	visible: true
  } );

  var material2 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( {
    transparent: true,
	map: addtxt2,
	shininess: 10,
	visible: true
  } ); 
  new_mtl = [ material0, material1, material2 ];

End with traverse add to specific glb children object:

function setMaterial(parent, type, mtl) {
parent.traverse(o => {
if (o.isMesh && o.nameID != null) {
if (o.nameID == “mychild” && type == “mychild”) {
let geometry = o.geometry;
geometry.addGroup(0, Infinity, 0);
geometry.addGroup(0, Infinity, 1);
geometry.addGroup(0, Infinity, 2);
o.material = mtl;

The result is good but I can’t export it without the page stops responding. If I try to apply only one color or one texture I can export it. So I thing the problem is multi textures with addGroup and export them.