Can HDR be compressed?

also @drcmda, envMapRotation doesn’t seem to exist as a know property type in <meshStandardMaterial/> even after updating @types/three…

Hey Mugen,

I’ve just noticed that the hdr webp format has since been removed from the official three hdrjpg example do you happen to have any resources or detail on why that may have been? has the file format been found to be incompatible or known to be unstable, or changing to a more streamlined format ( eg… not the need of 3 seperate files… )? would be good to get an idea if it’s best to follow suit and exclude this format from current use cases?

AFAIK, Ricardo just wanted to simplify the example. I suggest you comment at the below commit if you have questions about this change:

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It’s practically the same as before except only if a material has an envMap definition do you have to worry about individual interp of env maps, if a materials envMap is null it should inherit the global scene env properties only now that global control is defined by environmentIntensity rather than renderer.tonemappingExposure… The scene environment now has its own global env contribution to lighting, tone mapping being one side and material.envMap the other to ensure access to individual control over material envMaps…